Does penis size matter to gay men? You'll get as many different answers as the
number of men you ask. Do you measure up? Know the truth about penis size
Penis Size:
- The average penis is five to seven inches (127 to 178 mm)
long when erect (measured from the tip of the penis head to the
- The average circumference of a penis is near 5 inches or 127 mm around.
- Don't believe the hype.
There isn't a single person on earth that hasn't
heard general statements relating penis size to race and ethnicity. Though
in some cases the generalizations are true, they are merely stereotypes.
There are men in all ethnic groups that negate such generalisations.
In other words, don't judge a book by its cover! You may be disappointed
with the results or pleasantly surprised.
Judging True Penis Size:
You can't judge the true size of a penis while it is flaccid. Sometimes guys
with relatively small flaccid penises grow to a larger size when erect, while
their larger counterparts don't show as much growth when aroused. Thus the
terms, grower and shower.